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Monday, April 10, 2006

Chase had a Difficult Weekend – We’re Ready for our Miracle

When we tried to access Chase’s port last week, after returning from Orlando, his nurse noticed some type pustule (almost like a pimple). Her concern was that piercing this with a needle could introduce bacteria into his port and lead to a dangerous infection. She managed to avoid this concern at that time, but when it came to accessing his port again over the weekend, the condition got worse. Aunt Corinne recommended that we have Chase’s Oncologist look at it, who prescribed antibiotic ointment and pills to try and knock it out. In the meantime, they set up a temporary access in his arm so that he could get his anti-neoplaston IV treatment for a few days, while his port healed. This turned out disastrous, as it tortured him throughout the first night and we abandoned the plan until the port healed.

Unfortunately, this didn’t get easier as we went through the week. During his follow-up at the Oncologist, they were able to access Chase’s port, but the fact that he had been off the medicine for several days meant that it was going to take his system a while to adjust once again. Chase was struggling with fatigue, nausea, and headaches for a few days as we tried to gradually increase his doses again. He’s also been losing some strength on his right – his arm is a bit weaker and he’s limping a bit, favoring his right leg. This made things challenging for Chase during his first soccer game of the new season on Sunday (although he still managed to have a good time and was pretty active throughout the game). By the end of the weekend, it seemed that he might be turning the corner in terms of tolerating his increased doses; however, his nurse had difficulty accessing the port once again. Last night he woke up in excruciating pain, which we immediately knew meant that his port needle came loose and was excreting the antineoplastons under his skin, causing a major irritation and inflammation in the surrounding area.

Obviously Chase was extremely upset with this whole experience. At one point, he asked his mommy, “why did you guys put me on this medicine anyway?” After Carol explained that we’re doing our best to get him healed, he asked “why is this taking so long” as he broke down in tears.

Needless to say, we’re all ready for this miracle to unfold as soon as possible. Chase and Barbara are preparing to be baptized in our local Catholic church, St. Columban, during the Easter Vigil mass at 8 pm this Saturday evening. Anyone in the area who would like to join us are welcome to come by – if not in person, you’re welcome to join us in prayer at that time. We’re anticipating that this will be the start of our pilgrimage, as Sister Carmela is preparing us for the trip to Medjugorje. We’re planning to follow the Novena of Divine Mercy (9 days of devout prayer), dedicated to Chase beginning on Good Friday. Anyone interesting in participating can obtain the prayers and follow the Novena at

We’ll be leaving for the pilgrimage next Monday, April 17th and returning on Sunday the 23rd. The most likely time for the climb up Apparition Hill will be Friday, the 21st at 6:30 pm local time (12:30 pm EST). We’ll confirm this once again as we get closer to the trip and hope that as many people as possible can join us in prayer at that time – it will undoubtedly be an extremely “moving” experience.

In the meantime, we’re continuing to respond to the messages of the Queen of Peace (as the Blessed Mother is referred to in the apparitions of Medjugorje). She’s been calling for all of God’s children to return to Him and to praise Jesus. We’re praying more every day, fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, and preparing our hearts and spirits for this miracle. As we get closer to the trip, our prayers are filled with more and more gratitude for the blessings that this experience has brought us.

Thanks for all your support and prayers! We’re feeling the power of Holy Spirit filling our household and our entire family. As the Queen of Peace has said in Her messages, prayer and fasting can bring an end wars – there’s no doubt that our collective prayers are bringing us closer to this miracle.

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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