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Monday, November 20, 2006

Chase and Child Protective Services

On October 4, 2006 Chase was removed from his home with no prior notice by a police escort.

Chase's police-escorted ride to the hospital in an amblance was in response to a complaint made to Child Protective Services (CPS) by Dr. Jeanne G. Lewandowski of Henry Ford Kaleidoscope Kids Hospice Services.

The three videos below were broadcast on WDIV, an NBC news affiliate in Detroit. Click the Play button on the images to watch the videos.

Fight Over Chase
October 5, 2006

The Battle for Chase
November 15, 2006

A Family's Ordeal
November 16, 2006

The antineoplaston therapy mentioned in the complaint filed by Henry Ford Hospice Services currently has 14 FDA-approved clinical trials in progress.

John and Carol Sammut are asking for your support in requesting an investigation into this incident, to prevent similar unjustified action from being taken in the future against other families in crisis.

John's states in his blog entry dated November 21,

The complaint that was filed by Dr. Jeanne Lewandowski from Hospice of Henry Ford’s Kaleidoscope program was so full of misrepresentations and distortions (to put it mildly) that it appears to be intentionally fraudulent. Once again, we are willing to give Protective Services and Henry Ford Hospital the benefit of the doubt, assuming they provide a reasonable response and correct the injustice that occurred in their system. Anything short of that and we’ll be forced to pursue recourse, just to ensure that this outrageous misuse of the system doesn’t continue.

Your indication of support and request for an investigation to both organizations will help to expose the issue(s) and hopefully elicit cooperation.

Contact information for the parties involved:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you, be strong! I had a 5 year old boy with gliomatosis cerebri that became an angel on October 2. May peace be with you.

Lisa,mom to Matthew,Forever Five

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are with you. Let us know what and who we can write...have written CPS and the hospital..
you are in my prayers

5:32 AM  
Blogger Margie said...

I wrote a letter in support of you guys! Prayers are with you!!

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are in support of all of your efforts to correct the injustice and harm that was done to your family, as well as to help prevent these kinds of situations from happening in the future.

Mary & Steve Blomquist

7:46 AM  

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