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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Keep Believing in Miracles - They Happen Every Day!

Since returning from the hospital, over the past couple of days Chase has been more responsive and able to move his limbs and trunk. After we got such strong feedback from his doctors, including a Neurologist and Intensivist indicating their belief that Chase would never be responsive again (essentially “brain dead”), I was anxious to give them the great news.

According to the Neurologist, the movement of his trunk is considering “posturing” and an indication of brainstem function. Along with the movement of his legs, this is confirmation that he’s not “brain dead”, although he didn’t’ believe this was an indication of “higher function” from the cortex. Since his review of the MRI, which showed constricted blood flow to the cortex, he was convinced that the cortex was not functioning and irreparably damaged. He stated that any response of the cortex would be miraculous at this point.

I asked what kind of response we would need to see from Chase to confirm that his cortex was working and that he had cognitive ability. The Neurologist stated that this would require affirmative responses (not just limb movement, but on command repeatedly to specific requests). So yesterday we asked Chase to move his leg if he liked the movie we just played for him and he responded by pulling up his right leg (this is the one that had weakness first, several months ago). We then asked him several other questions and he used his right leg to respond. We reported all of this back to the Neurologist who was just amazed and astonished (this is truly a miracle in his medical opinion).

I reminded him of my comment from the previous day that despite whatever their tests showed, we were certain that Chase was still “with us” and that we believe he’s being healed by the grace of God. We pointed out that fortunately there’s no order of magnitude in miracles – anything is possible through faith and prayer. He understood our position and agreed to support us, although he certainly didn’t expect to see this kind of responsiveness so soon (if ever again).

Today, Chase continued to respond to questions – this time with his left leg. He seems to be regaining some strength slowly on both sides. The most important thing is that he’s demonstrated cortex functionality which means that once pressure is relieved on the brainstem from the tumor, he should regain the rest of his motor skills.

The other good news is that the tumor hasn’t increased in size at all over the past couple of months with more indications of the accumulation of dead tissue – this process is taking much longer than we’d like, but we’re committed to staying the course and supporting Chase’s recovery.

We believe that Chase deserves every opportunity for his body to overcome this illness. Thanks to all the Prayer Warriors for your support and continuing to believe in this miracle – it is unfolding before our eyes and the medical community will be gaining a deeper understanding and respect for the support Life when a patient is in this condition.

Lots of love and gratitude - God Bless!

John & Carol
Chase & Barbara Ann


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have prayed many times for God to heal Chase in every way he needs to be healed. I continue to do so. I have prayed for Chase, Barbara, Carol and John to be healed by God as a beautiful family. I continue that prayer. I have prayed many times for protection from and relief from fear for all involved, including myself.

Recently I find that I am praising and thanking God over and over again for the entire experience of Chase. I offer up the suffering this little one has endured and ask God to allow it to mingle with the suffering of Jesus for the forgivness of sins of the world. And I can't explain the peace and freedom from fear that has come over me in this praise for and gratitude to God in this entire situation.

I find it hard to understand why, but I simply trust God in all of this. I just surrender my thoughts and words and ideas to God. I know that he has sent many signs to John and Carol to assure them that Chase is in his care -- always has been -- and always will be, and that nothing can change the deep love that God has for Chase and his family, and they for God.

Somehow I feel that everything is calm and bright and better, and that all fear is replaced by quiet assurance that there is no separation -- ever.

I continue to thank God for his care and presence in this entire faith journey, and for his plan as it unfolds for all his children. No thing and no body can come between Chase and God. The Holy Spirit resides in Chase. The archangel Michael protects his soul. Many saints and many people pray day and night for him. All is well as we surrender our will to God's will.

We are all sustained by the peace of Jesus. We're so thankful for the gift of his peace. We're so thankful that by his stripes we - including and especially Chase - ARE healed. Thank you God for creating us to serve you as we do that by bringing your love to others in a million different ways through the many unique talents you have awarded each of your children. Chase has been given the talent of inspiring compassion in hearts that otherwise might be hard or cold. He awakens in others their need for you God, and their desire to seek you before all things.

We love you God. You are our hope - thank you for your promises which we can utterly rely on. And thank you Eternal Father for the greatest gift you ever gave us - the gift of your very own dear and innocent son, our merciful Lord Jesus.

9:50 PM  

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