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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Keeping the Faith and Believing in Miracles

Chase is continuing to hang in there, with relatively stable vitals over the past few days. We have had some scary moments here and there, particularly when his oxygen saturation drops and we have to figure out why (needing suctioning, mucus plug, some obstruction, etc.). Fortunately, we’ve had good training and support which is really paying off. Usually, we’re able to deal with the situation ourselves, sometimes with some guidance over the phone. We are so glad to not have to deal with the hospital during these situations – we’re all better off, particularly Chase.

Despite Chase’s difficult condition, we’re doing our best to keep the faith, expecting to ultimately be rewarded for witnessing to Jesus’ infinite mercy. We continue to get renewed strength from the support we receive from Chase’s Prayer Warriors, including the relative of St. Pio. Reading about the story of Padre Pio, who is saint from our era, is extremely inspiring. Some of his most profound counsels include:

• "Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God's heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips, but with your heart; in fact, on certain occasions, you should speak to Him only with your heart."

• "Do not tire yourself over things that cause anxiety, preoccupation and worry. Only one thing is necessary: to lift up your spirit and love God."

• "God provides for our transformation and growth; you give over your sufferings to the embrace of God and you will be given peace; you hand over your feelings of anguish and despair and you will find hope rising in your heart."

• "Walk cheerfully and with a sincere and open heart as much as you can, and when you cannot always maintain this holy joy, at least do not lose heart or your trust in God"

• "Be careful never to become discouraged when you are surrounded by difficulty or infirmity. If you are experiencing some weakness, God is not abandoning you, but offering you the opportunity to grow in humility and gratitude."

• And my personal favorite: "Be cheerful. Jesus will take care of everything. Let us pay no attention to people who do not know what they are talking about. Let us trust in Jesus and our heavenly Mother, and everything will work out well."

We hope you get as much of a lift from these words of advice from Padre Pio as we do. The feast day of his canonization as a saint is coming up – Sept. 23rd. We’ll be attending mass that day, which is being said for our petitions to heal Chase. As regularly scheduled, we will plan to pray collectively tomorrow (Thurs) at 12 noon EST for the miracle of Chase’s return to Divine Health.

We are also planning another prayer service on the first Sunday of the month – October 1st at 3:00 pm at the chapel of Holy Name at 630 Harmon St. in Birmingham, MI 48009; tel: (248) 646-2244. Please pass the word – anyone is welcome to join us (although this is a Catholic church, it will be a non-denominational service). Thanks again for lifting Chase in prayer and helping us to keep the faith.

God Bless!!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara


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