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Monday, August 28, 2006

Keep Up the Great Work Prayer Warriors!

Chase’s progress and ongoing recovery never ceases to amaze us. We were just discussing options with the local staff regarding ventilators and / or BiPAP machines that we could use for Chase at home so he can get discharged soon. In order to figure out what he would need, we decided to take him off the hospital ventilator to see how his body responds and perhaps get some clues as to what kind of help Chase really needs with his breathing.

Praise the Lord once again! When we took the vent off, Chase started breathing fine on his own and has continued to do so for the past hour. In some ways, this causes a bit of a dilemma since it would be hard to justify getting this equipment sent home with us, as well as the nursing support. However, we really don’t want to find ourselves in another acute situation at home. Quite fortunately, we had a nurse with us the last time (Carol’s sister Cathy) – without that, the situation would’ve been even more scary. It was stressful enough as it was, so this time we’d like to have the equipment we need and to be trained on it, as well as the support on hand so that we’re self-sufficient (without ER paramedics).

Ironically, the same folks that were giving us a doom and gloom speech 3 days ago about the prospect of ever getting Chase discharged (without hospice) are now telling us that we might not have a medical basis to support getting a ventilator or other equipment or even private duty nursing – just a regular discharge?! It’s a good thing we’ve learned from the beginning not to take the advice of conventional practitioners too seriously or we probably wouldn’t have gotten this far (I couldn’t help but take that shot)...

In any event, please continue your fervent prayers for Chase. We’ll be collectively praying tonight again at 9 pm EST and asking reverently for Divine Intervention to continue these improvements and to provide a complete spontaneous remission that will finally remove this burden from Chase altogether. Thanks so much once again for holding us all in prayer during this extremely challenging time. God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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