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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Chase is Enjoying Spring Break

Hi Everybody,

Carol here standing in for John who is celebrating Spring Break with the kids in Orlando, Florida. I got to stay home to have a well-needed "mommy break" and collect myself for a very important trip to Medjugorje next month. We leave the 17th of April and come back the 24th for what we expect to be a monumental, pivotal spiritual experience. From all we've read and seen on video, we are amazed at how special this place is. We wish we could bring everyone with us to share in this amazing experience. You all have been so instrumental and important to us during this challenge - we know that even if you aren't there in person, you will be in spirit and prayer. We are so fortunate to have all your support. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel. Once we finalize the specific times of our climb up the hill of apparitions, we will let everyone know when to start the devout prayer so that our miracle can come to fruition.

Over the past few days, Chase and Barbara have been having the time of their lives with Daddy at all the major theme parks in Orlando. Give Kids the World has made all the arrangements above and beyond expectations to ensure that Chase feels like a King. He has fufilled that role happily to the dismay of his sister. She resents being his subject but is happy to profit from his entitlements. GKTW has prepared organic meals for every breakfast and supper as well as free passes to every theme park plus a special button entitles them to be first in line for as many rides they like. It has been an incredible experience for them thanks to the endless energy and effort of their loving dad, John.

Chase has managed to exert tremendous energy during this trip and his appetite has been excellent. This is a great sign considering he was eating very little before he left for the trip due to a flu virus. He made a great rebound and his blood tests have come out quite balanced. He is in great spirits and there is little more we can ask for considering all he's going through. We are so proud of our little trooper as he shows amazing courage and patience through this trying time. Barbara too has demonstrated the utmost patience, love and kindness towards her brother as she often takes the back seat to him and handle his resentment about the fact that she doesn’t have to go through what he deals with. We know these two will be able to endure anything after this test and we just wanted all of you to know how much your prayers are helping us to handle this very difficult challenge.

Peace and love to all of you and may God Bless all the people you love!!


The Sammuts


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Anatalia Hernandez from Stafford, Texas. I met your friend, Gus from Detroit, here in Houston when he was having lunch with his parents and I was in the table with them (at Benihana Restaurant, you're seated with strangers until they fill up the table). We talked about the Houston Rockets and the Detroit team and had a bet, and became instant friends! In the process, I shared with him my miraculous trip to Medjugorje and my husband's miraculous conversion from a cradle Catholic to a devout one. We went in 1997. I went back last year, in July. Everything you've written about Medjugorje is awesome and real and miraculous - - all out of the love Jesus and Mary have for us. May be someday, we can meet too.
For now, I will ask my prayer group, called The Holy Trinity, to lift up Chase in their prayers.
As our Lady wills it, Gus's e-mail about Chase came today when our prayer leader, Angelina Sarmiento, is about to go on another trip to Medjugorje, accompanied by a very holy priest named Fr. Roy Oggero. They are leaving this Monday. I will, therefor, include Chase in my letter to the Blessed Mother.
Fr. Roy is also saying the Healing Mass tomorrow at a nearby church called the Holy Family, where me and my husband do the music every fourth Thursday of the month. My husband, Phil, plays the guitar and I play the piano and sing. Every song tomorrow will be dedicated to Chase and his recovery. I will also ask Fr. Roy to ask the congregation to pray for Chase and for the mass to be for him. I will also ask for holy oil anointing at the end of the service for Chase.
BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FATHER GOD AND JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE POWERFUL INTERCESSION OF MOTHER MARY, ALL THE SAINTS, AND ALL THE ANGELS. I don't know why, but I am inclined to tell you to do a novena to the Mother of Good Counsel. She suddenly appeared in our prayer meeting last night (long story...) and for some reasons, She just reminded me to tell you to ask for her intercession.
My telephone number is 832-483-9456 (cell) in case you want to talk to me. I would be very happy to talk to you and to Chase just to say hello.
I am 53 years old, with two kids of my own, a 26-yr-old son and a 16-yr-old daughter.
"Our Lady of Medjugorje, pray for us especially for Chase Sammut". Amen.
God bless,
Mrs. Hernandez

1:31 PM  

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