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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Chase is "Managing" the Increased Doses

Well, over the past two weeks we've been working Chase up the curve on all of his dosages of the various treatments he's on. For the most part, he's been managing to tolerate this, although he has had a few bouts of nausea. We're a bit anxious and cautious about this whole approach, because it took a long time to achieve stability and we remember all too vividly how horrible it was in the interim when nausea or lack of appetite was a daily challenge.

So far, this time around has been much better, but we're taking it very slowly. Chase seems to understand what we're trying to do - find a way to get him completely back to divine health so that he can stop the treatments altogether, but that it's taking longer than anyone would like. He's already acknowledging that this journey might not be over by his 6th B-day in May, when he's hoping to go to the Bahamas to celebrate. We're not giving up on this miracle target, but he realizes that he might still be on treatments when we return.

This past week, we had a real catharsis. We met with a rife practitioner who had a much more elaborate machine than we're using. The best part about the meeting was that she concurred with everything we're doing thus far and from her scans, she found that other than this "imbalance" in the brainstem, everything else in Chase's system seems to be doing quite well. She was very impressed with his outlook and awareness - her hunch is that he may be an indigo child, but that's something for us to explore down the road.

The main thing we wanted to accomplish through the visit was to determine through the scan if Chase's body is keenly aware of this condition so that it can fight it off with all the supplements we're giving him. The concern was that if his body is relying upon our external rife therapy and other things, it might not be taking on the battle directly. To our relief, this is not the case. We were quite amazed at the sophistication of this new machine. Apparently through scanning the frequencies of the elements in this system, it was able to indicate that the root cause of the lesion was residual toxins from his measles, mumps, rubella vaccination. This wasn't the entire cause, but perhaps a catelist along with other things that combined to create this condition. This wasn't that surprising to us as we suspected something to do with vaccinations (this has been linked to many other pediatric conditions was well).

Through this scan, we were also able to determine the frequency we should use our rife machine as well as fine tuned our homeopathic remedy. We were very encouraged by the visit and have a renewed confidence in the path that Chase is on. This practitioner has had extensive experience (including having cured herself of two types of cancer through completely natural means) and she firmly believes we're on the right track with our combined protocol.

We also had a nice service at church today and met once again with the nun who is planning our trip to Medjugorje. We're very excited about the plans and the next steps in the unfolding of this miracle for our whole family. Thanks for all the prayers and support. We're definitely feeling the power of our prayer circle - Chase is doing extremely well, despite the challenges. Although Barbara has been struggling a bit lately, we're trying to focus more quality time and attention on her to get her back on track as well. We would appreciate your inclusion of her in the ongoing prayers.


John & Carol
Chase & Barbara Ann


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