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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Chase's Miracle Dream

Chase and Barbara had a great Spring Break visiting all the Orlando theme parks. They took full advantage of the privileges provided by Give Kids The World and they loved every minute of it. Chase particularly loved the idea of not having to wait in lines – he darted right for Space Mountain and went on it twice in a row, even though Barbara was in tears after the first ride, he insisted on dragging her through it again. She was really a great big sister, going along with whatever Chase wanted to do (spiderman ride, Jimmy Neutron, etc.) and tried to make the best of it. By the time we got back, I needed a vacation to recover – although they cooperated for the most part, it was quite a stressful trip, trying to ensure that Chase took all his meds, ate a balanced organic diet, did some lessons, and got along with Barbara. I certainly have a newfound appreciation for Carol’s job and wouldn’t want to trade places…

We are continuing to prepare for our pilgrimage to Medjugorje. The information that we’re reading about the background of this spiritual place is breathtaking. There are many books, videos, etc. available on and There have literally been hundreds of miracles reported over the past 25 years of daily apparitions from the Blessed Mother. In preparation for the pilgrimage, we have been doing our best to follow her messages, including praying as a family, fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, and renewing / strengthening our faith. We are expecting this trip to bring healing on many levels – physical, spiritual, emotional, etc. and we are all very excited about it.

We will be traveling on the day after Easter, arriving in Medjugorje on Tuesday 4/18. That is a very special week, leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday, and we’re planning to have the focal point be a vigil service on Saturday evening, April 22nd. Next week we will be meeting with Sister Carmela once again to discuss more of the specifics of the itinerary so that we can confirm the dates and times for everyone to be able to pray in unison for our miracle.

In the meantime, Chase had a remarkable dream this past Sunday. He called me in the middle of the night (like usual) needing a drink and he mentioned that he was dreaming about Jesus. I didn’t think much of it, just kissed him and said, “that’s nice, now go back to sleep and have sweet dreams”. Then Carol told me the rest of the story yesterday… apparently Chase also told her about his dream of Jesus. She asked how he knew who it was and Chase said “because he was wearing that brown thing around him…” Then she asked what happened in the dream and Chase said, “he told me that I would be healed”… she was obviously pleasantly surprised and probed further – did he say anything else… Chase thought for a moment and then said, “oh yeah, he told me to take my medicine”….

Of course we were just ecstatic to hear this and did our best to fight back the tears of joy, since Chase wouldn’t understand… nevertheless, it sure was comforting and another affirmation of the miracle that is unfolding before our eyes Keep up the flow of prayers and blessings! We truly appreciate it!


John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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