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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Chase is Continuing to Show Signs of Gradual Improvements

We got out to Vancouver last Friday safely - thanks again to Tom Wheeler for the use of his private plane. There was simply no other way we could’ve done this – we had so much medical gear with us that we completely filled it up (to the point of being somewhat unsafe). We had to bring the oxygen concentrator, pulse oximeter, trach suction machine and humidifier, all of the ANP medicines and supplies, etc. Much of this was needed to be by our sides during the trip, just in case Chase needed it, so commercial travel was completely out of the question. We can’t thank you enough for this help Tom – you’re truly one of Chase’s angels!

Anyhow, we’ve been continuing to do the visualizations, under the guidance and assistance of the person who developed this approach to quantum healing. We’re very excited about the progress that Chase is making. We’re continuing to see gradual but consistent signs of improvement that are actually pretty significant to Chase’s recovery. Yesterday, we noticed that Chase had better control and balance of his head (much like an infant who has to learn how to balance itself). Our physical therapist explained that he would have to go through the same learning curve he did as a baby once the pressure is relieved from the nerves and he regains this control. This is exactly what we’re seeing. Today, Chase had better control of his mouth muscles – he was able to open his mouth more widely than he has since the tracheotomy. He was also able to lift his tongue completely for the homeopathic remedy to be placed under it. These are very encouraging signs that he’s starting to get some relief from the tumor pressure on the nerves. We’re pretty confident that there isn’t any long-term damage (particularly given his age and his body’s ability to regenerate). It’s just a matter of time to get enough reduction of the tumor mass and for the nerves to repair.

Another insight that we gained during these treatments is that the blood supply to Chase’s tumor is still quite vigorous. While this is good from the standpoint of the ability to supply white blood cells to attack it, this still enables the nutrients and circulation for the tumor to survive. Thus, we would like to apply another metaphor during the next few visualizations which might help this situation, as follows:

• Visualize the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tumor contracting to the point where there is no transfer of nutrients.
• Visualize the tumor drowning in its own toxins and waste products. See this happen until the cancer cells completely die.
• Visualize choking off what the cancer needs and simultaneously attacking it in order to weaken the tumor.
• Visualize the tumor shrinking and losing its life energy as it continues to become inactive.
• To remove the debris, visualize using a suction device (much like the one used at the dentist office) to draw out all the liquid and dead tissue.

Once again, we believe it’s the clear intention that we’re collectively putting out to heal Chase’s body that it is responding to – essentially a very focused prayer. At the end of the visualization / prayer session, continue to see Chase in his completely healthy state (extremely relieved to have this whole ordeal behind him, no doubt). It is important to end this prayer with gratitude for the “fait accompli”. We’ll try this approach during the session on Thursday at noon EST.

Thanks so much for joining us in this journey! We truly believe we’re finally gaining some momentum and seeing Chase get some relief from these symptoms brings us overwhelming joy! We know there’s a long way to go for his complete recovery, but as long as there are bright spots along the way, it helps a lot to keep our spirits up and remaining strong in our faith.

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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