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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thanks for Your Healing Prayers and Visualizations!

For those who caught the energy healing segment on Primetime tonight, it was a reasonably accurate assessment of the workshop setting that I attended last week. Of course, the show didn’t cover the number of healings that have continued to remain in remission (including many cases of cancer). Nevertheless, it didn’t have too much of a negative spin, other than the undertone of a “grand illusion” and money generator. I can say personally that the $100 Canadian admission for a 2 day seminar was quite reasonable and a heck of a lot less expensive than several of the “professional” medical consultations we obtained along our journey, many of which weren’t accurate or beneficial at all. So I don’t think it’s about the money, as they seem to imply – we’ve blown more than that on a bad dinner.

I also found Adam to be quite modest and down to earth. He recognizes that his “works” are a “gift” and is trying to help as many people as he can with the quantum healing approach. In the end, he also acknowledges that our faith is what is most important and probably the main reason for the healings, which is what we’ve known and embraced all along. This has just given us a framework to channel our collective faith in the same direction with a very clear intention for what we want to happen within Chase’s body.

The prayer and visualization session this afternoon was just incredible. We were at our appointment with the energy practitioner who does the scans using a type of Rife machine. She was picking up the fact that the tumor has more toxin debris from the dead cancer cells and she believes a significant part of this debris is bacterial. At exactly noon, when we all started to do our healing prayers and visualizations over Chase, he started swinging and kicking almost uncontrollably for about 10 minutes, after which we started doing the waterfall visualization and he immediately sat back and relaxed in a state of peaceful bliss. It was just amazing to see the change before our own eyes.

Chase has also continued to show signs of improvements. Last night, he had a BM in the middle of the night and in the course of trying to help him up, I noticed significant strength in his right arm that was just shocking. I pointed this out to him and he seemed to already know about this improvement – it was almost like he was flexing the muscle in his right arm (which he hasn’t been able to do for quite a while). He’s also continuing to make improvements in his swallowing so we’re holing off on the decision relative to putting the feeding tube directly in his stomach to see if it will even be necessary before long.

We’re planning another prayer service, much like the one that was held last fall, with the addition of collectively utilizing the visualizations at the back end of the session.

Date: Monday, July 7th
Time: 8 - 9:30
Place: William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, MI - Spiritual Center (3rd Floor - Central Elevators)

Anyone who can make it is welcome to attend in person. We’re looking forward to the get together and harnessing the power of our collective prayers. For those who can’t be there in person, we’d like to continue getting the benefit of our collective prayers and visualizations at 9 pm EST again for about 10-15 minutes, or however long Chase’s Prayer Warriors can remain focused. There’s no doubt in our minds in the power of our collective prayers – the visualizations are just a means for very focused and clear intention in our prayers and it seems to be working. Keep up the great work! We truly appreciate all the help and support. We’re hoping to have even more good news to report at this prayer service. Thanks again and God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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