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Friday, July 07, 2006

Chase is Continuing to Improve but Very Lethargic

Chase has continued to be in pretty good spirits since returning home and he seems to be adjusting to his new “normal”. It’s a major change, of course, dealing with a trach, feeding tube, and foley catheter to say the least. However, he hasn’t been resisting very much at least with the things that we are required to do (cleaning the trach, catheter, etc.) as well as the cupping and bagging to ensure his lungs are filling up to prevent any possible collapse. Once again, he’s been quite a trooper in terms of cooperating and tolerating all this stuff. In the process, he continues to “bargain” for what he wants in return (movies, money, etc.).

We’re appreciating the fact that the feeding tube is enabling us to control every aspect of his intake, including all of the supplements, without a fuss. Although he was pretty good about it, trying to stay on top of > 25 different pills a day was pretty stressful. In addition, we’re now able to increase the use of many of the antioxidants we wanted, including green tea and natural juicing (kale, broccoli, spinach, etc.). It’s a good thing he can’t taste this stuff because I’m sure we couldn’t pay him enough to drink it (at least in the quantities that we’re administering through the feeding tube throughout the day and night). We really believe this will make a big difference in the rate of his recovery.

We’re also getting back into the visualizations. I understand that many people had trouble accessing the files and pictures that were posted to the yahoo group. We believe we addressed the problem and it should be easier now with this link.

I’m also going to be participating in a Quantum Healing seminar this weekend in Toronto that is being held by the person who developed these visualizations. Hopefully that will enable me to be even more effective and I’ll pass along any more insights that I gain through the seminar.

In the meantime, Chase has been more lethargic than usual. He’s taking long naps and sleeping in after having very deep sleep straight through the night (more than he’s been able to in a long time). We’re actually relieved that he can do this, with the catheter, feeding tube, etc and that his breathing isn’t belabored anymore. We believe this is what he’s needed to support his healing. All of your prayers and visualizations of the waterfall with healing energy is really working to recharge his systems. Thanks for lifting him up in your prayers and holding him in the light.

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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