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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

God is Good and Chase's PET Scan was Great!

Chase made us proud once again - he went through an urgently-scheduled PET scan w/o anesthesia so that we could determine if the recent change in the characteristics of his tumor are attributed to necrosis (breakdown / dead tissue) or increased metabolic activity. This is a critical distinction that has huge ramifications on our outlook and approach to his overall treatment plan.

We just got the results we were praying for - NEGATIVE PET -- no metabolic activity once again, which confirms that the "blisters" which recently appeared in his tumor are signs that it is finally starting to breakdown. God is having mercy on our little Champ!! According to the feedback of the Burzynski Clinic, based upon their previous experience, we can expect that the fluid to eventually dry out (hopefully in a matter of weeks, not months) and once this happens, the tumor will start to shrink. With this development we will get the long awaited relief of the pressure on Chase's brainstem and associated nerves.

Fortunately, we're also blessed with an outstanding physical therapist who does energy and cranial work as well, and she has excellent maternal instincts which Chase is starting to respond to. This is going to make a huge difference in the rate of his improvement as we progress through the recovery stages. Following her guidance, we decided to hold off on pursuing a shunt implant, even though his last MRI showed some signs of hydrocephalus (fluid backup in other areas of the brain), since it isn’t acute and she's confident that we can get Chase's system to respond non-invasively with our energy work - this appears to be making a real difference already.

We're also starting to see some continued improvement in the strength of Chase's right side. He did > 100 revolutions in his mini exercise bike during both of the past two days (after having struggled to do 30 for the first few days). He's also continuing to be able to lift his right arm - very slowly and methodically (clearly with strong willpower and effort) but nonetheless extremely encouraging progress.

Once again, we're keeping the faith and we believe more than ever that Chase moving in the right direction toward his complete recovery. This will be a truly amazing and sweet victory for the power of faith (all Glory to God!), particularly considering the prognosis we were given last August. Thanks for continuing to support us in prayer during this extremely trying time. I've also been extremely blessed with very understanding colleagues who are enabling me to take the time I need to focus on my family and support Chase's recovery full-time. Thanks to the EPIC team and Board (especially Randy Haight) - keep up the great work! I have no doubt that everything will continue to progress well there as they are on the home front in accordance with Divine Order.

Thanks and God Bless!

John & Carol
Chase & Barbara Ann


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