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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Please Support Chase's First Group Visualization - Monday Night

Calling all of Chase’s Prayer Warriors who want to participate in a group visualization (wherever you are – this is a “virtual” session). I’m fresh out of the seminar on Quantum Healing in Toronto and this is very exciting stuff. It’s actually quite simple when you get right down to it. In many ways, this approach is just like using a very specific and focused intention for prayer. In fact, those who would like to support this effort but aren’t comfortable with using a visualization approach are welcome to join us in prayer at the same time.

The key is that we simply use clear, positive intention to visualize precisely what we want to have happen. The pictures that have been circulated and posted on the blog ( ) make it fairly straight forward to follow. It’s important NOT to worry about whether you’re doing it right – just going through the visualization exercise collectively at the same time using our positive intention (or prayer) will enable it to work. The more people doing this at the same time, the more powerful it will be, so please forward a reminder along to anyone that is supporting Chase’s recovery but doesn’t receive the yahoo messages directly.

The idea is to just sit comfortably, deep breathe slowly and just relax with your hands on your lap (or however you feel the most comfortable). Start by visualizing Chase in his healthy state (from the “before” picture). Then see the tumor inside of his brainstem (from the series of visualization renditions) and follow the sequence of pictures in order – trying to focus on each one for a while and then close your eyes and see it through your “mind’s eye” for a couple of minutes. Try to make the visualizations as real as possible with all of your senses as you recall the image with its colors and all the details that you can, perhaps even hearing the white blood cells as they gobble up the tumor site and release substances that are poisonous to the tumor. See the tumor shriveling up from those toxins and from the white blood cells eating away at it.

If you have difficulty seeing the image with your eyes closed, then open your eyes and repeat the process again, trying to increase the amount of detail that you can recall. With this intention held in you mind, you will slowly expand your capacity to effectively visualize.

There is no set time limit for the length of the visualization – it varies from person to person. Some people are more skilled and can do this for long periods of time; however, for most people 10-15 minutes is pretty long. If you lose your focus and want to continue with the visualizations, just relax, re-focus and start over. Don’t push yourself – the idea is not to log a lot of time, but to make the visualizations as real as possible. If you find negative thoughts creeping in (like this isn’t working or I don’t believe this stuff) just kick them out and start over. This is an exercise of “training” the subconscious mind to believe and accept what we want it to – after a while, it will get tired of being beaten down and it will start to automatically go along with it and then this exercise will be even more powerful.

At the end of the visualizations, try to hold the thought and picture in your mind of Chase having been completely healed. Perhaps he will be standing in the waterfall with energy flowing over and through him or running off to play (soccer, swimming, baseball, etc.). Anyone who would like to get more detailed instructions (including a book and / or DVD) please send a message to me directly at and I’ll send you more info.

Try to keep it simple and have fun with it – this is going to be an incredible experience if we just go with it and believe that it’s making a difference because it truly is. For the first weekly session, we plan to start on Monday (July 10th) at 9 pm EST. For Chase’s Prayer Warriors who are living abroad, we will set up another time later in the week that is earlier in the day so that we can all be in sink. Thanks for taking the initiative to support Chase’s recovery!! We are truly blessed to have so many Prayer Warriors pulling for Chase and this is helping us to strengthen our faith and resolve, knowing that our little Trooper is going to get through this challenge.

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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