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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chase's System Seems to be Stabilizing Again

Well, Chase only vomited once yesterday (a big improvement from the 3 times on Monday) and he hasn’t at all thus far today. In addition to the anti-inflammatories, we’re giving him antacid medication and hoping to ease his stomach a bit. We believe the decadron could be causing his stomach to be more sensitive (another good reason to continue tapering it off – now at 1.5 mg per day and reducing at a rate of 0.5 per week).

Chase reportedly woke up today in better spirits and energy than he’s had in a few days, so hopefully he’ll make it through the rest of the day without vomiting and begin to regain his strength. You can imagine what a downer it’s been for him (and even more for us to witness). We did decide to back down on his dose of ANP for a while (down to 300 ml every 4 hours), which we will very slowly increase again once he stabilizes. We just felt that it’s not doing him any good if it drags down the rest of his immune-boosting systems.

Unfortunately, since he hasn’t done well in keeping down food, or the hemoglobin boosting protocol over the past few days, his hemoglobin is still at a very concerning level of 8.3 (targeting to get it back > 10, at least). For the moment he seems to be tolerating the things that were suggested to get it back up (whey protein, L glutamine and chlorella). Hopefully after a few days of normal nutrition and keeping these supplements down, he’ll have a much better result with the test again next Monday. If it goes much lower, we’re probably going to have to do blood transfusions, which we’d really rather avoid.

Thanks so much for the prayerful support. We’re visualizing and expecting Chase to regain his strength, stabilize again and increase his hemoglobin level quickly to get by another close call. With all your prayer chains, so far we’ve managed to keep him boosted high enough to stay above the fray at every concerning juncture….this is just another speed bump that we’ll be helping him to get over on his way to a full recovery….

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase and Barbara Ann


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