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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Chase Met the Top Homeopath from India

After corresponding via e-mail for the past couple of months, yesterday we were finally able to meet Dr. Prasanta Banerji, who is widely recognized as the leading Homeopath in India. Thanks again to TMW, we were able to fly in and out of Kansas City to meet Dr. Banerji during a visit on his 5 stop tour of leading US cancer research centers to report on the latest results of his remedies. He examined Chase, reviewed his recent blood tests, MRI results, etc. and is very confident that his homeopathic remedy will be successful in eradicating this tumor.

Fortunately, there is no conflict or contradiction with the ANP treatments Chase is receiving from the Burzynski Clinic. We verified this through several sources (including the Nutritionist, Dr. Burzynski, and Dr. Banerji) so we have been administering these in parallel over the past 6 weeks. Dr. Banerji confirmed that the examples we brought of the specific products we are using (Ruta 6X and Cal Phos 3X) are correct and representative of what he has been using in India. His main recommendation for an adjustment in our approach is to augment the anti-inflammatory with another homeopathic remedy to enable Chase to get completely off decadron (steroid). He expects the initial tumor regression results to become evident during Chase’s upcoming MRI (next Thurs. Oct 27th). Ironically, the results that Dr. Banerji has been able to achieve through administering his homeopathic remedy alone are approximately the same as the ANP treatments – 32% complete remission (no trace of the disease), 36% response / improvement and 25% stabilization, leaving < 10% that do not respond.

Since none of the available treatments claim to be effective in 100% of the cases, utilizing several different approaches (as long as they don’t conflict), significantly reduces the odds of the disease progressing. The tail of the bell curve is getting sliced smaller and smaller to the point that it is almost inconceivable that response (if not complete remission) will not be achieved. Dr. Banerji reported that most often within 6-8 months he is able to confirm the complete efficacy of his treatments and then recommends an additional six months to ensure that the tumor receives maximum response. In addition, he has “never” seen a case of relapse, which he explained would be logical since his remedy strengthens the patient’s immune system to fight off the disease directly and thus is capable of fending it off from returning.

Overall, we are extremely encouraged and confident that Chase is on the right path to a full and complete recovery. Forgive the detour, but I have to take a moment to underscore the differences in the homeopathic remedies with Dr. Burzynski and all the other medical programs we have identified. First of all, it is extremely easy to administer (dissolve two small pellets under the tongue twice a day for two different natural products). Secondly, there are absolutely NO side effects (not even the minor nuisances of the ANP treatments). Thirdly, it is unbelievably cheap (< $20 per month). All strong reasons why you would think the medical community would sit up and take note, validate the results and make this readily available to all their patients (particularly since this certainly can’t hurt, and most likely would help their results with any other treatments). Nevertheless, the complete contrary is true – they’ve been doing their best to “squelch” this information from being disseminated.

One small example: the research lab that was used to verify the efficacy of Ruta 6 / Calphos in brain tumors was MD Anderson, and according to a published study, they confirmed that brain tumor cells were killed with the treatment and the growth of normal cells was stimulated. Yet, when I visited there in late August to ask about treatment options, they didn’t even mention this. When I pulled an article out that described Dr. Banerji’s treatment and amazing results, they looked baffled and said they would have to look into this and get back to me. Then, after a couple of weeks of attempted follow-up, I received a short / sweet response indicating that they reviewed Chase’s file in committee and recommend radiation / chemotherapy. Furthermore, they claimed that the MDA doctor who was studying the efficacy of Ruta 6 was in research (not a clinician) and there are no plans for trials with patients, so if I wanted further information, I would have to contact the doctor in India directly. Go figure – apparently there just isn’t enough money in curing patients with homeopathic remedies to make it worth pursuing, yet they’ll gladly administer radiation / chemo although they know it’s a death sentence…

Forgive me for being so cynical, but after meeting with Dr. Banerji and seeing his data / presentations first hand, it is completely incomprehensible that this has been stonewalled for so long. He as been presenting this info (along with the cures to many other types of cancer) for the past 10 years to the National Cancer Institute, with volumes of supporting data (based upon his 50+ yrs of experience). He has literally cured thousands of patients in India of this condition alone, not to mention all the other types of cancers he treats with different homeopathic remedies. This just goes to reinforce the growing sentiment that our leading research centers do NOT want to cure cancer (at least not quickly) – it’s too lucrative to keep the churning the same machines…

Anyhow, Chase is getting the benefit of these alternative therapies and the results are quickly starting to show. We’re counting down to the next MRI and we can’t wait to report the news. Please continue to keep us in your prayers over the next few days leading up to this scan – we truly appreciate it!

Thanks so much for all the prayers and support.

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase and Barbara Ann


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about little Chase, what a beautiful boy. My husband too has a brain tumor (GBM. I am very interested to learn more about this Ruta 6 and would like to know how and where I could contact Dr. Banerji. If you could please provide an information I would appreciate it very much as we have used up all other options at this time. Thank you so much and may God Bless Chase and his family. Our prayers are with you. Sheila

9:00 PM  

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