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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Chase is Over the Cold and Doing Much Better

Chase got over his cold about as quickly as it set in. By Monday night he wasn’t coughing at all and all the sinus issues stopped as well – this was a very encouraging sign about the strength of his immune system. He also hadn’t vomited since Friday morning so we were pretty confident that the adjustments we had made, with the guidance of his Nutritionist, were working. We decided to send him to school yesterday since he seemed fine in that morning; however, about ½ hour later, we got a call from the school asking us to pick him up because he vomited again (very frustrating and upsetting for everyone).

So Chase ended up having another day at home with mom (which he certainly didn’t mind) and we went back to the drawing board to figure out how to soothe his stomach. He also got to go to Whole Foods (affectionately referred to as “Organic Heaven”) to pick out some more organic products for him to try and we stumbled upon a great find – Vitamin Water (“Organic Gatorade”). It has the same colors and flavors of one of his old favorites without any unnatural sweeteners or other concerning additives. The flavors are also strong enough to mask some things we’ve been trying to get into his system, including liquid ginger to sooth his stomach and green tea (anti-oxidant). We also found a product he likes as “organic hot chocolate” (chocolate egg white protein) – this is a perfect drink for the morning and night time which also has a strong enough flavor to mask ginger.

So this morning Chase drank his new hot chocolate concoction with the ginger and it seemed to work. Hopefully we won’t be getting a call from the school again. As it turns out, the Nutritionist wasn’t surprised at this latest setback – during another follow-up call last night she indicated that fighting off the cold would certainly add more inflammation to his system (although it was a good sign that his immune boosting is working). So far, we’ve managed to avoid adding to his doses of steroids, which is often the “knee jerk” reaction of the Clinic to these kinds of situations, and we’ve managed to keep his electrolytes in balance so that he could continue to get all of his ANP treatments. This is a huge feat since we believe the ANP is working on shrinking the tumor (along with the homeopathic remedy, nutrition and electro-magnetic corrections). We’re really excited to see his progress at the next MRI (Oct 27th, next Thursday).

We’ve also confirmed a meeting with the Homeopath from India (Dr. Banerji) this Friday in Kansas City, during his tour of the States to meet with various cancer research centers. We’re looking forward to getting his first hand feedback on Chase’s condition and confirmation that we’re administering his recommended therapy properly (thus far, all correspondence has been by e-mail). So overall we’re praying and believing that Chase is still on track and that he’s stabilizing to be able to hold down all the supplements and treatments as they work to boost his systems and fight this tumor off with his natural abilities.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and support.

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase and Barbara Ann


Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Randi and I found out about your son through Jodi. We were in Michigan for the Dream Cruise and sat with some of your family. I just wanted you to know that my prayers are with you and your family through this very difficult time. I hope the treatments help with the remission of Chase's Brain Tumor.
I will check out his blog periodically to see how well he is doing.

I have a grandson who has had some very rough road so I know how you feel. Here is Kody's website if your interested or have time to look.

God Bless! Randi Scanlon

11:51 AM  

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