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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Chase's Fever is Gone Today

We are thrilled to report that Chase woke up in good spirits this morning with no fever. Although it was a very low grade fever yesterday afternoon (100.3), it was nevertheless very concerning. He was fine this morning and was able to participate in picture day with his kindergarten class. We’re anxious to get the proofs so we can post the update. Although he’s having some challenges with the school transition (mainly because he hasn’t had a chance to make friends yet), we’re trying to remind him that it’s so early and he hasn’t spent the time with his classmates to be able to make friends. We’re hoping to arrange some play dates in the next few days with some of his classmates so that he can develop relationships one-on-one and begin to feel more comfortable at school. We strongly believe that a healthy school setting is critical to Chase’s long-term success so we’re committed to working it out.

We are thrilled with all the support we’ve received from Cranbrook. The teachers, administrators and nurse have been extremely understanding and accommodating. We know that once he gets over the “hump” with the transition, this experience will be the best thing for him to keep his chin up and take on the battles ahead with his condition. Carol had a nice moral boosting conversation with him today and it seemed to make a difference (although he would always prefer to spend his time with mommy than at school, she’s helping him to understand why this is important). She’s also giving him lots of quality time in the afternoons and evenings. Barbara is also continuing to be very supportive of her brother and cutting him some extra slack (letting him pick the movie to watch or game to play, laughing at his offhanded humor, etc.).

Thanks so much for the prayers and support!! We’re continuing to take it one day at a time and today Chase is doing fine!

Love,John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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