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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rootin Tootin Chase

Chase’s treatments are continuing to go well on the anti-neoplastons; he’s up to 150 ml per dose of the first ANP and 35 ml per dose of the second (I failed to mention before that there are two IV bags along with a dual channel pump). As we recently were informed, it’s actually the second ANP with the lower dose that attacks the tumor and Chase is now at the max level for this treatment. The first ANP works to repair the tissue and this is the one that we need to get to 250 – 300 ml per dose, so we still have a ways to go, but so far, so good. His system seems to be accepting the treatment quite well and the fact that he’s been able to get to the max dose on the “tumor fighter” without significant side effects is a great sign. We also got the results today from the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test we “special ordered”, which indicated that his swelling / inflammation wasn’t that high – this means we can start to slowly reduce the steroids over the next several weeks, as long as Chase doesn’t experience any side-effects (this would be a huge accomplishment that we’ve been praying for, because that’s the one that causes the worst of the side effects). This is unsanctioned (no surprise), so we don’t want to “leak” this back to the clinic.

On a side note, since Chase has been eating so many fruits and vegetables lately, naturally he’s been having increasing amounts of gas. He thinks this is great – at any time, he can walk up to mom and say, “I have a present for you” and make a loud toot, which invariably sends him off laughing hysterically. When Barbara’s around, she gets a kick out of his new “talent” too – they’re both at an age where this is just great humor. On the one hand, it’s a good indication that his diet is working, and his system seems to be responding quite well. On the other hand, we’re getting concerned that others (particularly classmates and teachers) might not find this new “talent” as humorous as he does. Of course the doctor would have us give him another medication (gas-ex or something like it), but we’d rather not continue to add to his mounting pile of tablets and pills, so we’re asking the nutritionist for natural remedies (without letting Chase know that we’re intending to rain on his tooting parade)….

With all the supplements, steroids, homeopathic remedy and general vitamins he’s taking on a daily basis, Chase is now up to over 20 tablets per day. Although he continues to be a good sport about taking them all (as long as we keep greasing his palms with quarters, dollars, and Chuckee Cheeze tokens), we’re getting concerned about inundating him with this stuff. We continue to focus on as many natural sources as possible for his vitamins and minerals (every kind of fruit and veggie we can find that he doesn’t mind eating), and every way we can come up with to package them (soups, smoothies, inside his waffles, etc.). This clearly has to be having a positive effect on him – it certainly is on the rest of the family. We’re definitely feeling the difference and seeing it on our waistlines (a nice side-effect for us).

On the home front, I found a new way to entice Barbara to cooperate with picking out her daily wardrobe – she got to have a sleep-over with one of her classmates, after picking her outfit for two consecutive days with no fuss and then packing for herself for the following two days. What a relief! The other tactic that seemed to work was waking her up for school with very little time to spare and telling her she overslept, we’re running late, etc. so we have to rush like heck to get out the door (no time to think about what to wear – put on the outfit that was laid out and go)… Only a few more days to go and we’ll all be back together (i.e. Carol will be the primary person dealing with this kind of stuff).

So far, it still looks like Chase will be able to come home after his treatment on Monday (keep the power of those prayers working). I’ll be heading back down to Houston late Thursday night or the really early flight Friday morning to spend the final weekend with him them Houston (at least for now). Auntie Grace (Sammut) is flying in from Seattle to spend some time with Barbara and hold down the homefront while Carol and I are focused on getting Chase up the last several rungs of the ladder to the target doses of the ANP treatments along with all the recommended nutritional supplements.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support, as well as the flow of encouraging messages! They are having a profound impact on us all – today, Carol met a new patient at the clinic who was “floored” by her positive attitude and outlook (which actually comes naturally to her). Keeping this outlook in light of the situation could only be possible with the outpouring of support that we’re receiving – there’s no doubt about the calling that we’re on. For example, Carol was put in a position to help that person start down the path on the right foot knowing that everything is working out perfectly according to HIS plan (which we firmly believe)!

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase and Barbara Ann


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear John and Carol,
Been trying to email you but with no success.
All of us here keep a constant eye on the progress and keep the rest of the family informed. Your stamina and drive are an example to others and we pray that the results will remain positive. We pray for you all and are forever on our mind.
Big hug and kiss to Chase and tell him we send him our love. He can toot for us.
Lots of love
God Bless
Mary Graham and Christopher

4:18 AM  

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