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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Chase's Prayer was Answered

A couple of days ago while we were saying our family prayer before dinner, Chase added: “Dear God, please help me so that the catheter works tonight and I don’t have to wake up”. Sure enough, that night the catheter worked better than ever (no leaks at all) and everyone slept well. Since then, it has worked almost every night (apparently there were some issues last night but I was out of town on business). So Chase got to witness God’s answer to his prayer and he was really excited (all it took in the end was to get him to realize that it was in his best interest to pray for this outcome as well). Chase is a firm believer as well that things are working out according to His plans….

We received Chase’s proofs from the school pictures and they turned out great – he smiled nicely, puffy cheeks and all. We placed our order and we’ll post the new picture as soon as we receive it. This is another reminder that we need to get him the rest of the way off the decadron (steroid) which is what has caused the puffiness (among other things). We’re down to 2 ½ mg per day and based upon our plans to reduce by ½ mg per week, he should be completely off by the end of November – hopefully, his appearance will be back to “normal” by the holidays (although we’re not sure how long that is expected to take). As long as he doesn’t exhibit any concerning side effects from the decadron taper, we’ll stay on this track and get him completely off as we increase the natural inflammation suppressants (including the homeopathic remedy recommended by Dr. Banerji). We’ve received several inquiries about the remedies of Dr. Banerji so we wanted to pass along his contact info.:

Dr. Prasanta Banerji
PBH Research Foundation
10/3/1 Elgin Road
Calcutta - 700 020
Tel: +91 33 22472845
Fax: +91 33 22477275

He has been very responsive and helpful on multiple occasions and I know several others who have had a similar experience. He works entirely on donations and, as I previously mentioned, many of his patients in India receive treatments at absolutely no charge. He’s a wonderful man and a great example of what God intended as “good Samaritan”.

On a side note, the only concerning news we’ve had lately about Chase is that he didn’t pass his hearing test at school. Apparently they conducted a “short version” which he didn’t pass (although this could’ve been due to not paying attention) so they proceeded to do a longer version and we haven’t received the report yet. Hopefully, this just turns out to be a false alarm; however, it could be an indication of a progression of symptoms related to his tumor (this would be the first indication since the diagnosis based upon his left eye palsy). We’re praying that there’s nothing to be concerned about and that the MRI this Thursday will confirm the efficacy of the treatments that he’s been taking.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and support.

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase and Barbara Ann


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