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Monday, October 31, 2005

Chase had a Great Weekend - Rife is Underway

Chase went into the weekend in great spirits (along with the rest of us on the home front) after the last MRI confirmed that his condition has certainly stabilized. He was thrilled to receive a metal for his participation in soccer this year (his first time on the team) and is looking forward to returning in the Spring (hopefully with the same teammates and coach, who he really enjoyed playing with).

We went to his cousin’s place for a Halloween and birthday party (Caleb – 10 yrs old) on Saturday. Chase had a great time with family and friends and did well overall, but it was painful to see him stare at the cake and ice cream being doled out to the others, knowing that he couldn’t partake. In general, he’s been a trooper with this but it was still heart-breaking to see the effect of his condition. We were considering making an exception for him, but the fact that he didn’t eat a good dinner (and didn’t seem to have an appetite for any of his organic food) didn’t leave much alternative but to stick to the program. He quickly got over it and seems to really understand that it’s in his best interest in the long run to remain as healthy as possible – he often asks before eating thins, “is that organic”?. We’re experimenting with a new ice cream maker in hopes of coming up with a healthy alternative that he will like.

Chase’s reward on Sunday morning was being able to swim with his cousins for a couple of hours – he loved it and it was just the kind of exercise he needed. This really lifted his spirits and he had a much better day overall. He held down all of his supplements and he seems to getting into a good routine with his overall treatment plan. Since his prayer was answered on the catheter, he also seems to be getting great sleep (which is benefiting all of us). He still gets up occasionally for the odd request (more water, ice chips, etc.), but this is much more tolerable.

We’re really excited about the fact that Chase started his Rife treatments and doesn’t seem to have any issue with it (once he got over the intimidation). Barbara helped a lot with this, volunteering to be the first to use it. After she told him that it didn’t hurt (and even tickled a bit), he was good with it - of course after bargaining to get something in return (a new movie). So the rife treatments are underway and we believe this could hold the key to helping the body with the detoxification. We believe that although the MRI scans don’t show much reduction yet, it doesn’t mean that tissue isn’t dying – the issue could be the pace at which the body can process and detoxify, so the rife machine might just accelerate this.

We remain firm believers and are keeping the faith that everything is going according to HIS plan. We are very grateful for all the prayers and support along with way!

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase and Barbara Ann


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say Hello and I am very glad to see that Chase's condition has stabilized. Tell Chase his friends in Pennsylvania are thinking of him.
God Bless!

4:33 PM  

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