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Monday, July 31, 2006

The Fruits of Quantum Healing

We arrived safely back home yesterday evening from Vancouver – thanks again to TMW’s private plane – we couldn’t have done it without this. The trip worked out great overall and we’re continuing to see Chase’s improvements from the Quantum Healing sessions. He’s been rolling around from side to side with improved strength and more balance when he sits up.

We’ve received several inquiries and concerns about the use of Quantum Healing in Chase’s treatment plan in terms of how it relates to our faith in the healing power of God. We’ve thought a lot about this along the way and we want to reassure everyone that regardless of the method that He uses to heal Chase, all Praise, Glory and Honor goes to Our Lord for Chase’s return to Divine Health.

In our review of appropriate scripture, a story comes to mind when Jesus was approached to provide his opinion about the healing that others were doing at that time. Some were concerned that the power was coming from evil forces. His response was…

By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but the corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. For there is no good tree that bringeth forth corrupt fruit; nor again a corrupt tree that bringeth forth good fruit… Mt 7:13-23; Lu 6:43-45

Thus, our belief is that the “gift” of those who practice Quantum Healing comes from God and that if they are producing good results, they also come from Our Lord as well. We are seeing these results and we are truly grateful. The most important thing is that our praise and gratitude be given to Him.

Please join us once again tonight at 9 pm EST for 10-15 minutes of collective prayer and visualization for Chase’s healing. We are looking into ways of conducting a webcast in the future so that we can all be using the same visualizations at the same time since we know that increases the power of this healing energy.

Praise God and thanks to all of Chase’s Prayer Warriors!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Chase is Continuing to Show Signs of Gradual Improvements

We got out to Vancouver last Friday safely - thanks again to Tom Wheeler for the use of his private plane. There was simply no other way we could’ve done this – we had so much medical gear with us that we completely filled it up (to the point of being somewhat unsafe). We had to bring the oxygen concentrator, pulse oximeter, trach suction machine and humidifier, all of the ANP medicines and supplies, etc. Much of this was needed to be by our sides during the trip, just in case Chase needed it, so commercial travel was completely out of the question. We can’t thank you enough for this help Tom – you’re truly one of Chase’s angels!

Anyhow, we’ve been continuing to do the visualizations, under the guidance and assistance of the person who developed this approach to quantum healing. We’re very excited about the progress that Chase is making. We’re continuing to see gradual but consistent signs of improvement that are actually pretty significant to Chase’s recovery. Yesterday, we noticed that Chase had better control and balance of his head (much like an infant who has to learn how to balance itself). Our physical therapist explained that he would have to go through the same learning curve he did as a baby once the pressure is relieved from the nerves and he regains this control. This is exactly what we’re seeing. Today, Chase had better control of his mouth muscles – he was able to open his mouth more widely than he has since the tracheotomy. He was also able to lift his tongue completely for the homeopathic remedy to be placed under it. These are very encouraging signs that he’s starting to get some relief from the tumor pressure on the nerves. We’re pretty confident that there isn’t any long-term damage (particularly given his age and his body’s ability to regenerate). It’s just a matter of time to get enough reduction of the tumor mass and for the nerves to repair.

Another insight that we gained during these treatments is that the blood supply to Chase’s tumor is still quite vigorous. While this is good from the standpoint of the ability to supply white blood cells to attack it, this still enables the nutrients and circulation for the tumor to survive. Thus, we would like to apply another metaphor during the next few visualizations which might help this situation, as follows:

• Visualize the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tumor contracting to the point where there is no transfer of nutrients.
• Visualize the tumor drowning in its own toxins and waste products. See this happen until the cancer cells completely die.
• Visualize choking off what the cancer needs and simultaneously attacking it in order to weaken the tumor.
• Visualize the tumor shrinking and losing its life energy as it continues to become inactive.
• To remove the debris, visualize using a suction device (much like the one used at the dentist office) to draw out all the liquid and dead tissue.

Once again, we believe it’s the clear intention that we’re collectively putting out to heal Chase’s body that it is responding to – essentially a very focused prayer. At the end of the visualization / prayer session, continue to see Chase in his completely healthy state (extremely relieved to have this whole ordeal behind him, no doubt). It is important to end this prayer with gratitude for the “fait accompli”. We’ll try this approach during the session on Thursday at noon EST.

Thanks so much for joining us in this journey! We truly believe we’re finally gaining some momentum and seeing Chase get some relief from these symptoms brings us overwhelming joy! We know there’s a long way to go for his complete recovery, but as long as there are bright spots along the way, it helps a lot to keep our spirits up and remaining strong in our faith.

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Friday, July 21, 2006

Keep up the Great Work Prayer Warriors!

We continue to see baby steps of improvement in Chase and our Physical Therapist as well as Respiratory Therapist are seeing them too. They’re fairly small improvements and hard to describe in detail, but nonetheless it’s the right direction of change which is the most important at this point.

We are heading to Vancouver to get some personal training and energy healing sessions over the course of the next week from a very renowned Quantum Healer. We are very excited about this opportunity and confident that we can accelerate Chase’s healing with the right guidance. We’ll be joining the next couple of group prayer and visualization sessions from there: Monday at 9 pm EST and Thursday at 12 noon EST.

We truly appreciate all the support and participation in Chase’s healing process. We know that the prayers and visualization are lifting him up. We can’t wait to report on his progress along the way!

Have a great weekend and God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Chase's Group Prayer / Visualization Session was Great!

Thanks to all who joined us in body or in spirit for Chase’s healing prayer and visualization session last night (sorry for any confusion on the date – there was a typo on the last post). Anyhow, it worked out great and we could truly feel the strength of the healing energy that was being sent to lift Chase on to recovery. We have absolutely no doubt about the powerful impact of this collective intention – we’re continuing to see small signs of Chase’s recovery on a daily basis. It’s never as rapid as we’d like, but at this point it’s all about the direction of his changes in symptoms. Anything positive is huge progress as an indication that Chase is “turning the corner”.

We want to especially thank Carol’s friends Dawn, Kathy and Laurie for their help in pulling together the prayer session. The powerpoint file from the service has been uploaded to the Yahoo group site for anyone interested in getting a copy. It was a really moving service – not only for Chase, but in continuing to lift our spirits as well. We can’t help but feel that we’re at a very critical juncture in this overall treatment plan and every little boost helps tremendously at this point.

This session also helped a lot in terms of conducting the visualization exercises together – hopefully it cleared up some things for it to be even more effective. We were also able to get DVDs into the hands of those who want to gain more insight on this technique. Adam’s book and video are self-explanatory and we’ve found them very helpful in applying the visualizations for just about any kind of illness. Anyone who wasn’t able to get a set that is interested, please e-mail me directly and we’ll forward a copy.

In going back through the materials from the book, I was reminded of some more techniques that might help us to refine our visualizations (now that more of Chase’s Prayer Warriors are becoming novices at this). This idea is related to the fact that the cells seem to communicate with each other. Energetically, cancer cells are able to replicate quickly using what seems to be a very sophisticated communication system. When doing the visualizations, imagine that the communication system of the cancer breaking down and falling apart – this will create disorganization and disharmony within the cells of the tumor. Once the communication links fail, visualize the tumor shrinking and losing its life energy as it becomes inactive. As the cancer cells continue to die, the communication between the cells slows down and eventually stops. The goal is to weaken the tumor even more and direct Chase’s immune system to take it out completely. Chase’s body must now physically remove this dead tissue. Visualize a garbage disposal system working 24-7 to remove the debris (even a “vague” intention like this works, since the body knows how to take it from there – the dead cells will be eliminated through his skin, urine, kidneys, etc.).

The next visualization session will be on Thursday (7/20) at noon. Hopefully we can continue to refine our visualization techniques and gain more momentum on Chase’s recovery. Every baby step in that direction is extremely exciting for us. This afternoon, Chase actually used his right hand to hold the humidification tube to his trach during his nap – that’s the first time he’s used it “functionally” in a couple of months. It’s still quit immobile, but the fact he was actually able to hold onto something was a huge improvement! Thanks for lifting Chase in prayer and visualizing his return to total health – this miracle is continuing to unfold before our eyes!

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thanks for Your Healing Prayers and Visualizations!

For those who caught the energy healing segment on Primetime tonight, it was a reasonably accurate assessment of the workshop setting that I attended last week. Of course, the show didn’t cover the number of healings that have continued to remain in remission (including many cases of cancer). Nevertheless, it didn’t have too much of a negative spin, other than the undertone of a “grand illusion” and money generator. I can say personally that the $100 Canadian admission for a 2 day seminar was quite reasonable and a heck of a lot less expensive than several of the “professional” medical consultations we obtained along our journey, many of which weren’t accurate or beneficial at all. So I don’t think it’s about the money, as they seem to imply – we’ve blown more than that on a bad dinner.

I also found Adam to be quite modest and down to earth. He recognizes that his “works” are a “gift” and is trying to help as many people as he can with the quantum healing approach. In the end, he also acknowledges that our faith is what is most important and probably the main reason for the healings, which is what we’ve known and embraced all along. This has just given us a framework to channel our collective faith in the same direction with a very clear intention for what we want to happen within Chase’s body.

The prayer and visualization session this afternoon was just incredible. We were at our appointment with the energy practitioner who does the scans using a type of Rife machine. She was picking up the fact that the tumor has more toxin debris from the dead cancer cells and she believes a significant part of this debris is bacterial. At exactly noon, when we all started to do our healing prayers and visualizations over Chase, he started swinging and kicking almost uncontrollably for about 10 minutes, after which we started doing the waterfall visualization and he immediately sat back and relaxed in a state of peaceful bliss. It was just amazing to see the change before our own eyes.

Chase has also continued to show signs of improvements. Last night, he had a BM in the middle of the night and in the course of trying to help him up, I noticed significant strength in his right arm that was just shocking. I pointed this out to him and he seemed to already know about this improvement – it was almost like he was flexing the muscle in his right arm (which he hasn’t been able to do for quite a while). He’s also continuing to make improvements in his swallowing so we’re holing off on the decision relative to putting the feeding tube directly in his stomach to see if it will even be necessary before long.

We’re planning another prayer service, much like the one that was held last fall, with the addition of collectively utilizing the visualizations at the back end of the session.

Date: Monday, July 7th
Time: 8 - 9:30
Place: William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, MI - Spiritual Center (3rd Floor - Central Elevators)

Anyone who can make it is welcome to attend in person. We’re looking forward to the get together and harnessing the power of our collective prayers. For those who can’t be there in person, we’d like to continue getting the benefit of our collective prayers and visualizations at 9 pm EST again for about 10-15 minutes, or however long Chase’s Prayer Warriors can remain focused. There’s no doubt in our minds in the power of our collective prayers – the visualizations are just a means for very focused and clear intention in our prayers and it seems to be working. Keep up the great work! We truly appreciate all the help and support. We’re hoping to have even more good news to report at this prayer service. Thanks again and God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Chase's Next Group Prayer / Visualization Session - Thursday at Noon EST

The group visualization / prayer session was a great help – thanks to all who participated. Chase was relaxing in deep sleep as we prayed over him and did the visualizations. He was breathing slowly and deeply as the flow of energy was rolling over him. During the seminar in Toronto, I spoke with Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Appolo 14 astronaut who landed on the moon) and he had a very similar experience. He was healed of prostate cancer by a large group that prayed over him while visualizing and he described feeling waves of energy rolling over him as he lay flat on the ground. He was “spacing out” for several days and then when he went back to his Oncologist, the scans were completely clear. Anyhow, he has been the mentor for Adam (the guy who put on the seminar on Quantum healing and developed the visualizations).

Adam has been fairly “low key” about his quantum healing work – other than in Canada. He is getting his first exposure in the US later this week – there will be a one hour feature on him this Thursday evening (7/13) on ABC Primetime. We don’t know what the “spin” will be, but I can say from having attended the workshop that it’s pretty powerful stuff. There were many testimonials of healings who we personally met and spoke with. His latest effort to substantiate what happens in the human body during these visualizations and quantum healing sessions is to conduct EEGs on the subjects. They showed several examples to demonstrate what happens to someone’s theta brain waves while this is taking place. It was pretty remarkable and we’re looking forward to seeing the segment on network television.

This morning Chase’s symptoms seemed to improve somewhat. He’s starting to regain a bit of strength on his right side – he’s able to squeeze my fingers with his right hand and pull down from that arm. He’s also kicking stronger and lifting his right leg and we’ve noticed significant improvements in his left eye lately (which was the first symptom of the tumor). We believe these are indications that the tumor regression is finally taking place. Over the next few weeks (until the next MRI on Aug 3rd) the best data that we’re going to get is based upon his clinical symptoms, which we’re monitoring very closely with the help of his Physical Therapist.

I want to stress that although some people may feel some physical sensations during the visualizations, you are not taking the problem into your body. Any feedback in your body may be some indication of the healing energy. It is also important to note that not everyone will feel something – this is just based on the sensitivity that a particular body has to this quantum energy.

We would like to conduct another prayer / visualization session this Thursday (7/13) at noon EST for around 15 minutes (or as long as people are comfortable). This will enable Chase’s Prayer Warriors who are living abroad to also participate with us. If these times end up working out well, we’re considering making this a standing schedule for the next couple of weeks to help us collectively accelerate Chase’s recovery process. In the short-term, one of our biggest challenges with Chase is emotional. Given all the added burdens (feeding tube, trach, catheter, etc.), he tends to get very frustrated from time to time. This afternoon, he pulled out his NG tube again and it was quite an ordeal getting a new one in. At least it’s been > a week since the last time that happened, but nonetheless we’re praying for Chase’s emotional stability as well. Thanks again for supporting us so faithfully during this challenge! We’re very excited about the momentum Chase appears to be gaining and we’re keeping the faith!!

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Please Support Chase's First Group Visualization - Monday Night

Calling all of Chase’s Prayer Warriors who want to participate in a group visualization (wherever you are – this is a “virtual” session). I’m fresh out of the seminar on Quantum Healing in Toronto and this is very exciting stuff. It’s actually quite simple when you get right down to it. In many ways, this approach is just like using a very specific and focused intention for prayer. In fact, those who would like to support this effort but aren’t comfortable with using a visualization approach are welcome to join us in prayer at the same time.

The key is that we simply use clear, positive intention to visualize precisely what we want to have happen. The pictures that have been circulated and posted on the blog ( ) make it fairly straight forward to follow. It’s important NOT to worry about whether you’re doing it right – just going through the visualization exercise collectively at the same time using our positive intention (or prayer) will enable it to work. The more people doing this at the same time, the more powerful it will be, so please forward a reminder along to anyone that is supporting Chase’s recovery but doesn’t receive the yahoo messages directly.

The idea is to just sit comfortably, deep breathe slowly and just relax with your hands on your lap (or however you feel the most comfortable). Start by visualizing Chase in his healthy state (from the “before” picture). Then see the tumor inside of his brainstem (from the series of visualization renditions) and follow the sequence of pictures in order – trying to focus on each one for a while and then close your eyes and see it through your “mind’s eye” for a couple of minutes. Try to make the visualizations as real as possible with all of your senses as you recall the image with its colors and all the details that you can, perhaps even hearing the white blood cells as they gobble up the tumor site and release substances that are poisonous to the tumor. See the tumor shriveling up from those toxins and from the white blood cells eating away at it.

If you have difficulty seeing the image with your eyes closed, then open your eyes and repeat the process again, trying to increase the amount of detail that you can recall. With this intention held in you mind, you will slowly expand your capacity to effectively visualize.

There is no set time limit for the length of the visualization – it varies from person to person. Some people are more skilled and can do this for long periods of time; however, for most people 10-15 minutes is pretty long. If you lose your focus and want to continue with the visualizations, just relax, re-focus and start over. Don’t push yourself – the idea is not to log a lot of time, but to make the visualizations as real as possible. If you find negative thoughts creeping in (like this isn’t working or I don’t believe this stuff) just kick them out and start over. This is an exercise of “training” the subconscious mind to believe and accept what we want it to – after a while, it will get tired of being beaten down and it will start to automatically go along with it and then this exercise will be even more powerful.

At the end of the visualizations, try to hold the thought and picture in your mind of Chase having been completely healed. Perhaps he will be standing in the waterfall with energy flowing over and through him or running off to play (soccer, swimming, baseball, etc.). Anyone who would like to get more detailed instructions (including a book and / or DVD) please send a message to me directly at and I’ll send you more info.

Try to keep it simple and have fun with it – this is going to be an incredible experience if we just go with it and believe that it’s making a difference because it truly is. For the first weekly session, we plan to start on Monday (July 10th) at 9 pm EST. For Chase’s Prayer Warriors who are living abroad, we will set up another time later in the week that is earlier in the day so that we can all be in sink. Thanks for taking the initiative to support Chase’s recovery!! We are truly blessed to have so many Prayer Warriors pulling for Chase and this is helping us to strengthen our faith and resolve, knowing that our little Trooper is going to get through this challenge.

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Friday, July 07, 2006

Chase's Visualization for Healing

Clearly visualize a hologram of Chase before you in his healthy state.

Now visualize the tumor in Chase's head. All of the blood vessels in the tumor are becoming permeable to white blood cells.

The white blood cells surround the tumor on every side. Every white blood cell in Chase's body is drawn toward the tumor, so many white blood cells surrounding the tumor that they form a colony, completely engulfing it.

The white blood cells are eating away at the tumor, they attach to the tumor cells, pull the cancer inside them and digest it. The tumor shrivels up as the white blood cells eat away at it and the white cells carry away the debris.

Eventually nothing is left but healthy cells.

Pure light energy flows over and through Chase, soothing and relaxing him as he is energized and cleansed.

Chase is Continuing to Improve but Very Lethargic

Chase has continued to be in pretty good spirits since returning home and he seems to be adjusting to his new “normal”. It’s a major change, of course, dealing with a trach, feeding tube, and foley catheter to say the least. However, he hasn’t been resisting very much at least with the things that we are required to do (cleaning the trach, catheter, etc.) as well as the cupping and bagging to ensure his lungs are filling up to prevent any possible collapse. Once again, he’s been quite a trooper in terms of cooperating and tolerating all this stuff. In the process, he continues to “bargain” for what he wants in return (movies, money, etc.).

We’re appreciating the fact that the feeding tube is enabling us to control every aspect of his intake, including all of the supplements, without a fuss. Although he was pretty good about it, trying to stay on top of > 25 different pills a day was pretty stressful. In addition, we’re now able to increase the use of many of the antioxidants we wanted, including green tea and natural juicing (kale, broccoli, spinach, etc.). It’s a good thing he can’t taste this stuff because I’m sure we couldn’t pay him enough to drink it (at least in the quantities that we’re administering through the feeding tube throughout the day and night). We really believe this will make a big difference in the rate of his recovery.

We’re also getting back into the visualizations. I understand that many people had trouble accessing the files and pictures that were posted to the yahoo group. We believe we addressed the problem and it should be easier now with this link.

I’m also going to be participating in a Quantum Healing seminar this weekend in Toronto that is being held by the person who developed these visualizations. Hopefully that will enable me to be even more effective and I’ll pass along any more insights that I gain through the seminar.

In the meantime, Chase has been more lethargic than usual. He’s taking long naps and sleeping in after having very deep sleep straight through the night (more than he’s been able to in a long time). We’re actually relieved that he can do this, with the catheter, feeding tube, etc and that his breathing isn’t belabored anymore. We believe this is what he’s needed to support his healing. All of your prayers and visualizations of the waterfall with healing energy is really working to recharge his systems. Thanks for lifting him up in your prayers and holding him in the light.

God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Chase is Back Home and Adjusting Well

Yesterday was an extremely long and stressful day. In order to be able to discharge Chase, the Pediatric Ward had a long list of things that we needed to get done, such as training, obtaining the equipment for home (oxygen concentrator, suction machine, pulse oximeter, etc.) and we also had consultations with several doctors. The Neurosurgeon reviewed the shunt incisions and felt that Chase was recovering fine – most of the stitches are dissolvable (other than a few staples, which we’ll probably take out at home). The ENT specialist examined the trach and felt the site was also healing fine, so he could change the trach and then set the next appointment for another week out for us to change it ourselves under his supervision at his office. We also had a Urologist consultation who explained that Chase’s difficulty with urination lately is likely due to the fact that he’s been sedentary (based upon his right side paralysis) as well as the fact that the nerve center to control this function is in the Pons, which is right where his tumor is and it’s probably interfering with some of the signals. So we ended up going home with a foley catheter, which is actually a blessing in many ways since the ANP treatments require large volumes of fluid flushing and the frequent urination won’t be a problem (particularly at night).

We also met with an Eye Doctor who examined Chase and confirmed that there isn’t any issue or damage to his eye lenses or function – just the pressure on the 6th nerve which controls the lateral movement of his left eye. We were relieved that his inability to blink or completely close that eye hasn’t damaged it – we just need to use a better lubricant to continue protecting it. Then we met with a speech therapist who wanted to assess Chase’s ability to move his tongue, swallow, etc. He was still having a lot of difficulty with this, which isn’t clear if it’s due to the trach procedure and intubation for the previous few days, or nerve interference from the brain stem. We ended up not conducting a swallow test, because it really wasn’t going to change our short-term plan for his care – since he certainly can’t swallow very well yet, we’re going to have to use a feeding tube for a while. Once again, this is a real blessing since we can completely control his diet and ensure he’s getting all the supplements he needs with a great balance from the recommendations of his Nutritionist. We’re going to use this opportunity for the next few weeks to take his nutrition up a notch and barrage his system to see if that can help to accelerate his recovery from the tumor.

After all of that and getting the various doctors to sign off on the plan for his continuing care, we managed to get a homecare provider to set up all the equipment we need at home (including a hospital bed). We were finally getting released to take Chase home and he started to have one of his tantrums – as usual because we couldn’t understand or decipher what he wanted. In frustration, he pulled his feeding tube out and this caused another delay – we had to have a new one inserted and it wouldn’t go back in, probably due to swelling or other trauma to his nose and airway passage. After a few attempts, we ended up going to a smaller diameter and getting it to work through his other nostril – hopefully that was enough trauma to discourage Chase from doing that again. We certainly don’t want to be learning how to insert these ourselves since it’s a pretty gruesome procedure. If this feeding tube ends up being a prolonged part of his recovery, we may end up having a surgery to insert a tube directly into his stomach – but we’re hoping to avoid that, if possible, since we just had the shunt installed in the stomach and we don’t want to risk interfering with it or disturbing it’s recovery.

We finally got Chase home around 9 pm last night and then it took quite a while to settle in with all the equipment we have to keep with him. He ended the day in great spirits and was very happy to sleep with mommy in her bed – that was really therapeutic for him. Today he was better than we could’ve predicted or imagined – he was alert and in great spirits most of the time (no tantrums at all). We got him a picture book to be able to point out what he wanted and this really was encouraging to him to be able to communicate again. He took several small swallows of liquid and was sucking on ice chips most of the afternoon. We’re still a bit worried about the risk of aspiration, but he seems to have a very strong cough reflex and he’s been able to get used to clearing his trach himself.

The best part of our holiday was when Chase discovered how to talk with the trach and said several words, including “I love you mommy” – we were ecstatic as though they were his first words. I was thrilled to be by his side and realized that although I was too busy to be around much when he first learned to walk and talk, I’m extremely blessed to be there for him now. We’re holding firm in our belief that Chase is on his way up the mountain of recovery – ironically, during my prayers yesterday I had a vivid vision of Chase running up Apparition Hill at Medjugorje next summer as we celebrated his complete recovery with all of his cousins. He was so overjoyed – this vision was a true blessing in strengthening my faith as we prepare ourselves for the next difficult trek in his recovery climb.

We hope you all had as blessed 4th of July as we did. Thanks for lifting Chase in prayer and boosting him to a rapid recovery from these surgeries. He’s now settling in for the night and is breathing more peacefully than he has in a long time. The tracheotomy was a real success and a necessary part of his recovery - although it's a lot more work for us (hopefully, we'll settle into our new normal" soon). After a few more days of focusing on praying for and visualizing Chase's complete recovery from these surgeries, we’ll get back to attacking the tumor. Thanks again and God Bless!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Chase is Extremely Anxious to get Back Home!

Things seem to be going fairly well in terms of Chase’s recovery from the surgeries. He’s been visited by both surgeons that past two days and they don’t see any issues. Nevertheless, the hospital administration is insisting that he needs to stay at least until Monday (actually they’re trying to push us to stay until Wed). We reluctantly agreed to Monday, so that we can let the ENT specialist change the trach and train us on that procedure, but assuming that goes well we’re pushing to get out that day.

Once the ICU staff realized we weren’t going to accept anything else, they had a patient advocate come and meet with us to try to convince us it would be in Chase's best interest. We responded that of course, if something concerning should come up with Chase’s condition, we would reconsider. But as far as we’re concerned, those chances just increase the longer we stay in the hospital. We really need to get him back to his familiar surroundings with some stability and on the treatment plan that is working to heal him.

Yesterday, Chase was just beside himself most of the day – lots of anger, revolting against the nurses again, etc. It turned out that they had stopped giving him pain meds (except regular Tylenol) only 28 hours after his procedures. Once I realized this and raised some heck as his advocate, he got some relief and sure enough he felt fine and was able to calm down. This was just another timely reminder that we need to get on the road ASAP. This situation is NOT good for Chase’s spirits and this is the critical thing for his complete recovery.

Chase isn’t able to speak yet, which is also very frustrating for him, as his entire mouth and throat is extremely sore. Please join us in continuing to use the waterfall visualization and pray for him to receive healing / soothing energy and love. We are also continuing to visualize the drainage of the blisters in his tumor site, which will naturally enable it to start shrinking and relieving the pressure on his nerves.

Thanks again God Bless! We hope Chase's Prayer Warriors have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann