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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Chase is Extremely Anxious to get Back Home!

Things seem to be going fairly well in terms of Chase’s recovery from the surgeries. He’s been visited by both surgeons that past two days and they don’t see any issues. Nevertheless, the hospital administration is insisting that he needs to stay at least until Monday (actually they’re trying to push us to stay until Wed). We reluctantly agreed to Monday, so that we can let the ENT specialist change the trach and train us on that procedure, but assuming that goes well we’re pushing to get out that day.

Once the ICU staff realized we weren’t going to accept anything else, they had a patient advocate come and meet with us to try to convince us it would be in Chase's best interest. We responded that of course, if something concerning should come up with Chase’s condition, we would reconsider. But as far as we’re concerned, those chances just increase the longer we stay in the hospital. We really need to get him back to his familiar surroundings with some stability and on the treatment plan that is working to heal him.

Yesterday, Chase was just beside himself most of the day – lots of anger, revolting against the nurses again, etc. It turned out that they had stopped giving him pain meds (except regular Tylenol) only 28 hours after his procedures. Once I realized this and raised some heck as his advocate, he got some relief and sure enough he felt fine and was able to calm down. This was just another timely reminder that we need to get on the road ASAP. This situation is NOT good for Chase’s spirits and this is the critical thing for his complete recovery.

Chase isn’t able to speak yet, which is also very frustrating for him, as his entire mouth and throat is extremely sore. Please join us in continuing to use the waterfall visualization and pray for him to receive healing / soothing energy and love. We are also continuing to visualize the drainage of the blisters in his tumor site, which will naturally enable it to start shrinking and relieving the pressure on his nerves.

Thanks again God Bless! We hope Chase's Prayer Warriors have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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