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Friday, December 16, 2005

Chase’s MRI Confirms Stable

Chase’s latest MRI confirmed once again that his condition is “stable”. There doesn’t appear to be any significant changes at all with the tumor. After reviewing each slide in great detail, the only minor change seems to be with the darkness of a couple of images, which could be attributable to slight differences in the position that Chase was in when the MRI was taken, or it could be a “hint” of less density. The good news once again is that there certainly hasn’t been any progression of symptoms or growth in the tumor.

Since the Radiologist that had been reviewing Chase’s previous MRIs wasn’t available, this one was reviewed by another doctor who was very helpful and gave us the opportunity to get another impression from a “fresh set of eyes”. He was quite surprised (as with previous feedback) that this was diagnosed as a grade 3 lesion, since it certainly doesn’t seem to have the characteristics of one – there was no “enhancement” in the scan (indicating no metabolic activity) and no growth for over four months. Although the tissue that was removed during the biopsy (which was reviewed by two top Pathologists) indicated a grade 3, it is quite possible that the rest of the tumor is a much lower grade, which would be good news in some ways; however, he mentioned that lower grade tumors often can become higher grade over time, which is why we need to continue our efforts to attack it and have it purged from Chase’s body.

Overall, we’re pleased that Chase is doing well, although the treatment plan is seems to be taking a toll on his systems. He continues to be lethargic, with occasional nausea and ongoing difficulty maintaining healthy levels of potassium and hemoglobin. The slow pace of response to the various treatments making this a challenging process; we’re going to have to find more ways to “lighten up” the process for Chase if this is going to be a long-term program, so that it doesn’t take as much toll on him and everyone else along the way. However, we remain confident and firm believers that he will eventually overcome this condition. We appreciate all the ongoing prayers and support as we need the assistance with uplifting our spirits more than ever. We’re looking forward to the holidays and focusing on what we have to celebrate, given that Chase is hanging in there with us.

Lots of love and gratitude,

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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