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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Congratulations Chase & Barbara Ann

The First Communion celebration for Chase and Barbara last week was picture perfect. The service was really beautiful, with 25 children participating. Afterwards, the weather really cooperated, which enabled us to hold our party outside for the children of our guests to run around all afternoon. It was a great opportunity for us to celebrate this special day for Chase and Barbara in a very memorable way.

We know that Chase was very cognizant of what was happening, mainly by monitoring his vital signs. As we began opening his gifts, his breathing rate increased significantly and he was essentially doing all the breathing on his own. He just seemed to be full of life. Barbara really enjoyed opening the presents for him and telling him about them. It was just a great time for our whole family.

Thanks to all who joined us in person or in spirit. We really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit for this important event. Fortunately, Chase continues to remain very stable with strong vitals and bloodwork – the most stable he’s been in months and this really helps to take some of the edge off our stress load. We’re holding in faith our expectation for him to wake up and begin responding once again.

Our next prayer service will be on May 6th at 3 pm in the new Chapel of St. Anastasia in Troy. Please pass the word – this will be for all sick children and the intentions of all participants. We appreciate all the prayers and support for our entire family.

God Bless!!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara Ann


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