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Friday, January 19, 2007

Chase is Connecting with Carol

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been using a very gifted “intuitive” to help us communicate with Chase. He seems to be very comfortable conveying telepathically his needs and desires as well as how he’s doing with the various treatments. We’re continuing to do everything we can to support Chase in his recovery while keeping him comfortable and “connected”, according to his suggestions. This includes having Barbara sit next to Chase while doing her homework after school and read to him every evening. We also spend about a half hour with him every night for family prayer.

During a recent session, Chase conveyed that he wanted mommy to learn how to “connect” with him with the help of our intuitive. Apparently, he wants her to be able to capture his thoughts in order to write a book that would help other families and children in dealing with these kind of situations. Ironically, for the longest time Carol had an intuition or calling to write a book, but didn’t think it would come so soon. Chase is very excited that she’s receptive to working with him and developing her ability to “connect” in this special way.

In general, things are continuing to go fairly well with Chase’s condition; however, over the last few days he had a terrible bout of diarrhea that has thrown his electrolytes for a loop. Fortunately, we’re on top of it with the experience that we previously gained and we know how to correct the issue. Hopefully, this will be worked out over the weekend and he’ll be back on track next week.

We truly appreciate all the prayers and support for Chase and our whole family.

God Bless!!

John & Carol Sammut
Chase & Barbara


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